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  • Cycles Rendering has better Subsurface Scattering, GPU support for Smoke/Fire and Point Density, and a few other features and optimizations.
  • User Interface has faster OpenGL rendering and better Anti-Aliasing, and other improvements
  • Modeling now has an edit-mode boolean tool, better decimate modifier, selection tools
  • Sequencer has a Gaussian Blur effect speedup, and other strip and modifier improvements
  • Sculpting/Painting has better extruding and weight painting tools
  • Animation has a new constraint interpolation method, and improvements in graph editor, dope sheet, armatures and motion paths
  • Grease pencil now has stroke sculpting, and several other workflow improvements
  • Library handling has been improved to better manage missing and deleted datablocks
  • Game Engine has a few new small features
  • A new Add-on supports packing .blend files and their dependencies, some other IO Add-on was improved, and Python was upgraded
  • OpenVDB caching is now supported for smoke/volumetric simulations, multithreading is now massively supported, and also 2D stabilization node, Image editor, Cubemap and spotlights were improved
  • Support for Windows XP was removed, and the SCons build system too.
  • And, as usual, a massive bug fixing!


źródło: https://www.blender.org/2-77/


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Edited by Vaticinator
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Optimize memory usage and performance of Subsurface Scattering on the GPU. This results in up to 3x faster SSS renders.


The progress bar has been redesigned to show a time estimate, thats updated while open (rBc6bc2363e)


Intersect Tool: hole support for (support cutting many outlines into a single face (creating edges between isolated regions). c593855



cool ostanie mega spoko. przy tworzeniu gigantycznych N gonów sam tnie je na mniejsze ngony tak aby nie było kontów rozwartych itp..


Nowy Grease pencil wymiata.


Moje matematyczne proceduralki w cyclesie będą teraz śmigać dużo wydajniej. Bosko. :) Niech tylko w końcu przywrócą Worley Noise i będę w niebie. Najbardziej jednak się ciesze ze zmian w wewnętrznych bebechach blendera. Tego będzie jeszcze więcej w następnych wydaniach.


So far, here are the tools/area of Blender which have been updated:


Ocean (~22% speedup)

UVWarp (~12% speedup)

Vertex Weight Proximity (~5% speedup)

Paint/Sculpt (WIP):

All of sculpt/paint code, speedup is heavily variable, from unnoticeable to above 20% (...).


Smoke simulation (~5% speedup)

Particle internal code

Some low-level 'library' code, gives e.g. ~2% speedup to Cloth simulations (but affects several other parts of Blender)



PODOBNO mieli dodać AA podczas bake'owania. Ktoś wie czy się udało? Ew. czy jest jakiś magiczny guziczek, który muszę wcisnąć by zaczęło to działać?

Znów zaczął mi się pojawiać komunikat "Circular dependency blablabla..." Dawno go nie widziałem. Nie tęskniłem :]

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