[qupte]Seattle, WA (Feb. 28, 2007) -- SplutterFish, developers of the award-winning Brazil Rendering System for 3ds Max, is pleased to announce Pre-Release availability of Brazil r/s V2, the highly anticipated successor to their ground breaking high-end 3D rendering package. This Pre-Release version is a feature complete, production tested, late stage beta, and is available for purchase now.
The press release can be found here, while information on the pre-release can be found here, and information on Brazil r/s V2 for 3ds max can be found here. New features for Brazil r/s V2 include:
Overall rendering speed improvements
Rendertime displacement
3D motion blur
Irradiance render cache
Light portals
New Advanced Feature Textures Maps
New Implicit (CSG) Objects
Texture / Light baking
Easy to use windows installer/updater
The pre-release also includes a new pricing and licensing options.
(wzięte z cgt)
No kurcze mieszane uczucia, wszystko to juz ma kazdy inny silnik no ale coz, podobno disp + 3d motion miazdza (Bigi;)) trzeba czekac albo zaryzykowac i kupic :)
a tutaj kilka renderow :
reszta tutaj : http://forums.splutterfish.com/viewtopic.php?t=7002
Jak chcecie kupic i dac znac jak sie podoba ( ;) ) to tutaj :